Where is Timóteo located?

Q: Where is Timóteo located?

A: Timóteo is located in the Vale do Aço metropolitan area in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Q: How many people lived in Timóteo in 2009?

A: In 2009, Timóteo had a population of 79,813 people.

Q: What is the area of Timóteo?

A: The area of Timóteo is 145.159 km2 or 56.046 sq mi.

Q: When was Timóteo founded?

A: Timóteo was founded on April 29, 1964.

Q: What company is headquartered in Timóteo?

A: ArcelorMittal Timóteo, a company of the group ArcelorMittal, is headquartered in Timóteo.

Q: Which municipal districts is Timóteo limited with?

A: Timóteo is limited with the municipal districts of Ipatinga, Coronel Fabriciano, Antônio Dias, Jaguaraçu, Marliéria, Caratinga, and Bom Jesus do Galho.

Q: Which state is Timóteo in?

A: Timóteo is in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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