Who is Timo Boll?
Q: Who is Timo Boll?
A: Timo Boll is a German table tennis player.
Q: What is Timo Boll's birth date and birthplace?
A: Timo Boll was born on March 8, 1981, in Erbach.
Q: What is Timo Boll known for?
A: Timo Boll is known for being the best German table tennis player and one of the most popular table tennis players in China.
Q: What type of grip does Timo Boll use?
A: Timo Boll uses the Shakehand-grip.
Q: What is Timo Boll's performance at the World Championships 2011?
A: Timo Boll won a bronze medal in singles at the World Championships 2011 in Rotterdam.
Q: How many times has Timo Boll won the German National Championships?
A: Timo Boll has won the German National Championships 11 times.
Q: What makes Timo Boll a wonder in the table tennis world?
A: Timo Boll's achievements and skills in table tennis make him a wonder in the table tennis world.