What was Bechuanaland?

Q: What was Bechuanaland?

A: Bechuanaland was a federation of Tswana lands that stretched from present-day Botswana to the Batlhaping area around present-day Kimberley, South Africa.

Q: When was Bechuanaland declared a British protectorate?

A: Bechuanaland was declared a British protectorate in 1885.

Q: What divided Bechuanaland?

A: The Molopo River divided Bechuanaland.

Q: What were the areas to the South of the Molopo River called?

A: The areas to the South of the Molopo River were called British Bechuanaland.

Q: When was Bechuanaland Protectorate granted independence?

A: Bechuanaland Protectorate was granted independence in 1966.

Q: Who convinced the Tswana rulers to seek protectorate status?

A: The Christian missionary John MacKenzie of the London Missionary Society convinced the Bangwato ruler Khama III and other Tswana rulers to seek protectorate status.

Q: What was the capital of Bechuanaland Protectorate?

A: The capital of Bechuanaland Protectorate was the modern-day city of Mahikeng, then called Mafeking, in South Africa.

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