Where is Tibooburra located?

Q: Where is Tibooburra located?

A: Tibooburra is located in the north west corner of New South Wales, Australia.

Q: How far is Tibooburra from the state capital, Sydney?

A: Tibooburra is 1,187 km (738 mi) from the state capital, Sydney.

Q: What is the population of Tibooburra?

A: In 2006, there were 161 people living in Tibooburra.

Q: Why is Tibooburra significant?

A: Tibooburra is the hottest place in New South Wales, and its name comes from the indigenous Australian word for "place of granites."

Q: What amenities are available in Tibooburra?

A: Fuel, meals, and several different places to stay are available in Tibooburra.

Q: How far is Tibooburra from Broken Hill?

A: Tibooburra is 337 km (209 mi) north of Broken Hill.

Q: What services are available in Tibooburra?

A: New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service have an Information Centre in the town, and there is also a police station.

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