Where is Tianmu Mountain located?
Q: Where is Tianmu Mountain located?
A: Tianmu Mountain is located near Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province, China.
Q: How many high points does Tianmu Mountain have?
A: Tianmu Mountain has two high points ("peaks").
Q: What is the height of the taller peak of Tianmu Mountain?
A: The taller peak of Tianmu Mountain, West Tianmu or Xianren Peak, is 1506 meters high.
Q: What is the meaning of the Chinese name of Tianmu Mountain?
A: The Chinese name of Tianmu Mountain, Tiānmùshān (天目山), means "Mountain of the Heavenly Eyes" because there is a lake on top of each of the two peaks.
Q: Are there any rare species of plants and animals on Tianmu Mountain?
A: Yes, there are several rare species of plants and animals on Tianmu Mountain.
Q: How many Ostrya rehderiana trees are there in the world and where are they found?
A: There are only five Ostrya rehderiana trees in the world and they are found on Tianmu Mountain.
Q: What is the height of the East Tianmu peak?
A: The East Tianmu peak is 1480 meters high.