What does THX stand for?
Q: What does THX stand for?
A: THX stands for "Tomlinson Holman's eXperiment".
Q: What is the purpose of THX?
A: The purpose of THX is to ensure that movie soundtracks are accurately reproduced in the best venues. It is mainly a quality assurance system.
Q: Does THX specify a sound recording format?
A: No, THX does not specify a sound recording format. All sound formats, whether digital or analog, can be "shown in THX."
Q: What are some requirements for an auditorium to be certified by THX?
A: Requirements for an auditorium to be certified by THX include specific acoustic and other technical requirements; architectural requirements include a floating floor, baffled and acoustically treated walls, no parallel walls (to reduce standing waves), a perforated screen (to allow center channel continuity), and NC30 rating for background noise.
Q: When was the first use of the high-fidelity sound reproduction standard known as 'THX'?
A: The high-fidelity sound reproduction standard known as 'THX' was developed by Tomlinson Holman at George Lucas's company Lucasfilm in 1983.
Q: Where has the technology been used?
A: The technology has been used in movie theaters, screening rooms, home theaters, computer speakers, gaming consoles, and car audio systems.
Q: Why was it developed?
A: It was developed to ensure that the soundtrack for the third Star Wars movie Return of the Jedi would be accurately reproduced in the best venues.