Where is Thomm located?

Q: Where is Thomm located?

A: Thomm is located near Trier in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany.

Q: What is Thomm famous for?

A: Thomm is famous for an old Celtic stone called Hinkelstein and a big Celtic grave.

Q: Was there any industry near Thomm in the past?

A: Yes, there was a slate minor industry near Thomm in the past.

Q: What is Thomm famous for producing?

A: Thomm is famous for producing cider, an apple-wine.

Q: What championships took place in Thomm in the past?

A: The FIA European Hill Climb Championship came to Thomm until 2011, and the FIA World Rally Championship took place until 2015.

Q: What is the Moselle River near Thomm?

A: The Moselle River is located near Thomm.

Q: How can one describe the location of Thomm?

A: Thomm is located in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany, near the Moselle River, and not far from Trier.

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