Who is Thomas Hardy?

Q: Who is Thomas Hardy?

A: Thomas Hardy was an English novelist and poet.

Q: Why is Hardy considered a great figure in English literature?

A: In the U.K., Hardy is generally thought to be one of the greatest figures in English literature.

Q: When did Hardy live?

A: Hardy lived during the Victorian era.

Q: What is the full name of Hardy?

A: The full name of Hardy is Thomas Hardy.

Q: When was Hardy born and when did he die?

A: Hardy was born on 2 June 1840 and died on 11 January 1928.

Q: Was Hardy only a novelist or a poet as well?

A: Hardy was both a novelist and a poet.

Q: Can you name some of Hardy's famous works?

A: Some of Hardy's famous works include "Tess of the d'Urbervilles", "Far from the Madding Crowd", and "Jude the Obscure".

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