What is the meaning of the name Thelma in Greek?

Q: What is the meaning of the name Thelma in Greek?

A: The name Thelma means "will and volition" in Greek.

Q: Are there any celebrities with the name Thelma?

A: Yes, there are many celebrities with the feminine name Thelma.

Q: Have any TV series featured characters with the name Thelma?

A: Yes, many television series have featured characters with the name Thelma.

Q: When did the deadly tropical cyclone Thelma strike the Philippines?

A: The deadly tropical cyclone Thelma struck the Philippines in latter 1991.

Q: Was the Thelma cyclone deadly?

A: Yes, the Thelma cyclone was deadly.

Q: What kind of cyclone was Thelma?

A: Thelma was a tropical cyclone.

Q: Where did the name Thelma originate from?

A: The name Thelma originated from the Greek language.

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