What is the national anthem of the United States?

Q: What is the national anthem of the United States?

A: The national anthem of the United States is "The Star-Spangled Banner" (Navajo: Dah Naatʼaʼí Sǫʼ bił Sinil).

Q: Who wrote the words to "The Star-Spangled Banner"?

A: Francis Scott Key wrote the words to "The Star-Spangled Banner" in 1814.

Q: What event inspired Francis Scott Key to write the lyrics for "The Star-Spangled Banner"?

A: Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the lyrics for "The Star-Spangled Banner" after seeing British ships attacking Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland during the War of 1812.

Q: What song does "The Star-Spangled Banner" use as its musical score?

A: The music of a British drinking song called "To Anacreon in Heaven" is used as the musical score for "The Star-Spangled Banner".

Q: How many stanzas does “The Star Spangled Banner” have?

A: “The Star Spangled Banner” has four stanzas.

Q: Which stanza of “The Star Spangled Banner” is usually sung? A: Usually only the first stanza of “The Star Spangled Banner” is sung.

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