What does the phrase "The end justifies the means" mean?

Q: What does the phrase "The end justifies the means" mean?

A: It means that if a goal is morally important enough, any method of getting it is acceptable.

Q: Who coined the phrase "The end justifies the means"?

A: Niccolò Machiavelli

Q: What is consequentialism?

A: A political philosophy that judges a policy by its outcome.

Q: Does consequentialism allow unnecessary cruelty?

A: No, it does not justify unnecessary cruelty.

Q: What are the limitations necessary to prevent tyrants from abusing the idea of consequentialism?

A: Modern versions of consequentialism have to deal with these limitations.

Q: What is the basic idea behind consequentialism?

A: The basic idea is that a policy can be judged by its outcome.

Q: Is there any other ancient idea related to the concept of "The end justifies the means"?

A: There may be others, but the text does not mention any.

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