Where is The Coca-Cola Company headquartered?

Q: Where is The Coca-Cola Company headquartered?

A: The Coca-Cola Company is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.

Q: Is The Coca-Cola Company a publicly-traded company?

A: Yes, The Coca-Cola Company is a publicly-traded company.

Q: What is the stock symbol for The Coca-Cola Company?

A: The stock symbol for The Coca-Cola Company is KO.

Q: Is The Coca-Cola Company on the Dow Jones Industrial Average?

A: Yes, The Coca-Cola Company is on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Q: Does Berkshire Hathaway hold a large portion of The Coca-Cola Company's stock?

A: Yes, Berkshire Hathaway holds a large portion of The Coca-Cola Company's stock.

Q: What industry is The Coca-Cola Company involved in?

A: The Coca-Cola Company is involved in the beverage industry.

Q: Where can I find financial information on The Coca-Cola Company?

A: Financial information on The Coca-Cola Company can be found on its website or through financial news outlets.

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