What is BBC Radio 4?

Q: What is BBC Radio 4?

A: BBC Radio 4 is a UK-based radio station that primarily broadcasts various spoken-word programmes such as news, drama, comedy, science and history.

Q: What types of programmes does BBC Radio 4 air?

A: BBC Radio 4 broadcasts different spoken-word programmes including news, drama, comedy, science and history.

Q: When was BBC Radio 4 established?

A: BBC Radio 4 was established in 1967, replacing the BBC Home Service.

Q: What did BBC Radio 4 replace?

A: BBC Radio 4 replaced the BBC Home Service.

Q: Does BBC Radio 4 only air programmes related to one particular theme?

A: No, BBC Radio 4 airs programmes related to various themes such as news, drama, comedy, science and history.

Q: Is BBC Radio 4 an international radio station?

A: No, BBC Radio 4 is a domestic UK radio station.

Q: Does BBC Radio 4 broadcast music programmes?

A: No, BBC Radio 4 primarily broadcasts spoken-word programmes such as news, drama, comedy, science, and history and does not focus on music.

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