Where is Tete Province located?

Q: Where is Tete Province located?

A: Tete Province is located in Mozambique, with coordinates 15°30′S 32°30′E.

Q: What is the name of the capital city of Tete Province?

A: The name of the capital city of Tete Province is Tete, just like the province name.

Q: What significant infrastructure is located in Tete Province?

A: The Cahora Bassa Dam is located in Tete Province.

Q: What is the significance of the Cahora Bassa Dam?

A: The Cahora Bassa Dam is significant infrastructure that generates hydroelectric power for Mozambique and South Africa.

Q: How is Tete Province accessible by land?

A: Tete Province is accessible by land through road networks and railways.

Q: What is the main economic activity in Tete Province?

A: The main economic activity in Tete Province is mining, particularly coal mining.

Q: What other natural resources can be found in Tete Province?

A: Apart from coal, Tete Province also has natural resources such as gold and precious stones.

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