What is the city of Teplice located in?

Q: What is the city of Teplice located in?

A: Teplice is located in Bohemia, the western area of the Czech Republic.

Q: How do you pronounce Teplice in Czech?

A: In Czech, Teplice is pronounced "Tep-li-tse".

Q: What famous people have stayed in Teplice?

A: Goethe, Beethoven, Chopin, Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner all stayed there.

Q: When were hot springs discovered in Teplice?

A: Hot springs were discovered in Teplice in 762.

Q: What type of theatre can be found in Teplice?

A: The Krušnohorské divadlo (Krušnohorské theatre) can be found there. Q: Does the North Bohemia Philharmonic Orchestra give concerts at this theatre?

A: Yes, the North Bohemia Philharmonic Orchestra give concerts at this theatre.

Q: Are there any other attractions to visit while visiting Teplice?

A: Yes, there is a museum and many restaurants, wine bars and cafés. In the winter the mountain slopes are good for skiing as well.

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