What are the coordinates of Teotihuacán?

Q: What are the coordinates of Teotihuacán?

A: The coordinates of Teotihuacán are 19°41′33″N 98°50′38″W.

Q: What was Teotihuacán?

A: Teotihuacán was a city in pre-Columbian America.

Q: When was Teotihuacán the most populated?

A: Teotihuacán was the most populated from about the 1st century to about the 5th century.

Q: How many people did Teotihuacán house at its most populated?

A: Teotihuacán housed over 100,000 people at its most populated.

Q: How far is Teotihuacán from Mexico City?

A: Teotihuacán is about 40 km away from Mexico City.

Q: What is the civilization and culture lived around Teotihuacán called?

A: The civilization and culture lived around Teotihuacán is also called Teotihuacán.

Q: Where can the important position of Teotihuacán be seen?

A: The important position of Teotihuacán can be seen in various sites in Veracruz and the area controlled by the Maya civilization.

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