What is Tensho?

Q: What is Tensho?

A: Tensho is a term which has two different meanings.

Q: What is the first meaning of Tensho?

A: The first meaning of Tensho refers to a Japanese era during the Heian period, which lasted from 1131 to 1132.

Q: What is the second meaning of Tensho?

A: The second meaning of Tensho refers to a Japanese era during the Momoyama period, which lasted from 1573 to 1592.

Q: What was the duration of the Heian period in Japan?

A: The Heian period in Japan lasted for centuries, from 794 to 1185.

Q: What is a Japanese era?

A: A Japanese era is a period in Japan's history during which the reigning emperor has a specific title and the era name is used to describe the time period.

Q: Can a Japanese era have more than one meaning?

A: Yes, a Japanese era can have multiple meanings based on different time periods and the events that occurred during those times.

Q: What are the other significant eras in Japanese history?

A: Some of the other significant eras in Japanese history include Meiji, Taisho, Showa, and Heisei.

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