What is the symbol for Tennessine?
Q: What is the symbol for Tennessine?
A: The symbol for Tennessine is Ts.
Q: What is the atomic number of Tennessine?
A: The atomic number of Tennessine is 117.
Q: In which group in the periodic table does Tennessine belong to?
A: Tennessine belongs to Group 17 in the periodic table, where the halogens are.
Q: What are some of its properties?
A: Its properties are not yet fully known but it is probably a metalloid.
Q: Who discovered Tennessine and when was it announced?
A: Tennessine was discovered by scientists in Russia and the United States and was announced in 2010.
Q: Is it currently used for anything other than research purposes?
A: No, as of 2019, there are no uses for tenessine except research purposes.
Q: How did it get its name?
A:Tenessine got its name from the state of Tennessee.