What are adenoids?

Q: What are adenoids?

A: Adenoids are tissues found at the very back of the nose, at the point where the nose joins the mouth.

Q: What is another name for adenoids?

A: Adenoids are also known as pharyngeal tonsils or nasopharyngeal tonsils.

Q: What do adenoids do?

A: Adenoids help to trap bacteria and viruses that enter the body through the nose.

Q: What do adenoids look like in most children?

A: In most children, adenoids present as a soft bump on the top and back section of the nose's air passage.

Q: What is the surgical removal of adenoids called?

A: The surgical removal of adenoids is called adenoidectomy.

Q: Why might someone need to have their adenoids removed?

A: Adenoids may need to be removed if they are enlarged or if they become infected frequently, leading to breathing problems or other health issues.

Q: Where in the body are adenoids located?

A: Adenoids are located at the very back of the nose, in the part where it joins the mouth.

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