What is teenage pregnancy?

Q: What is teenage pregnancy?

A: Teenage pregnancy refers to situations where female adolescents who are less than 20 years old become pregnant. Sometimes, preteens (people under 13) can also become pregnant.

Q: What factors are related to teenage pregnancy?

A: The rates of teenage pregnancy vary from country to country and are related to differences in sexual activities, the general sex education, and contraceptives being available. The specific situation of the teenager and the group she interacts with also play a role.

Q: What are some issues related to teenage pregnancy?

A: Teen pregnancy can sometimes involve low birth weight. Social matters also play a role: often, the teenager grew up in poverty. She also often has a lower level of general education. In developed countries, teenage pregnancies usually occur outside of marriage.

Q: Which countries have the lowest levels of teenage pregnancy?

A: Japan and South Korea have the lowest levels of teenage pregnancy.

Q: Which group of people have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe?

A: Romani people have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe.

Q: Which countries have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe?

A: Bulgaria and Romania have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe.

Q: How does the availability of contraceptives affect teenage pregnancy rates?

A: The availability of contraceptives can affect teenage pregnancy rates. Countries where contraceptives are easily available tend to have lower rates of teenage pregnancy.

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