Who was Ted Knight?

Q: Who was Ted Knight?

A: Ted Knight was an American comedian, movie, television, stage, and voice actor.

Q: What were some of Ted Knight's most famous roles?

A: Ted Knight was known for his roles as Ted Baxter in The Mary Tyler Moore Show and as Judge Elihu Smails in Caddyshack.

Q: When and where was Ted Knight born?

A: Ted Knight was born on December 7, 1923, in Terryville, Connecticut.

Q: Was Ted Knight married, and did he have children?

A: Yes, Ted Knight was married to Dorothy Smith from 1948 until his death in 1986. They had three children, Ted, Jr., Elyse, and Eric Knight.

Q: How did Ted Knight die, and how old was he?

A: Ted Knight died on August 26, 1986, in Glendale, California after going through colorectal cancer-surgery complications. He was 62 years old.

Q: Where is Ted Knight buried?

A: Ted Knight is buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California.

Q: What was the birth name of Ted Knight?

A: The birth name of Ted Knight was Tadeusz Wladyslaw Konopka.

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