What is Tcl?
Q: What is Tcl?
A: Tcl (pronounced "tickle" or tee cee ell /ˈtiː siː ɛl/) is a high-level programming language that can be used for many things. It was made to be easy to use, but able to do many tasks.
Q: What kind of language is Tcl based on?
A: Tcl's language is based on commands which tell the computer what to do or how to save a variable. It can do object-oriented, imperative, functional, or procedural styles.
Q: How is Tcl used in C?
A: Tcl is used a lot in C to create prototypes quickly.
Q: Is there an interpreter available for different operating systems?
A: Yes, interpreters are available for many operating systems so many different kinds of computers are able to run Tcl code.
Q: Why is it good for embedded systems?
A: Tcl is a very small language which means it is good for embedded systems.
Q: What does the acronym “Tk” stand for?
A: The acronym “Tk” stands for Tool Command Language.
Q: Is Tk part of the normal Python installation ? A: Yes , when combined with Tk , it's called 'Tcl/Tk' and it's part of the normal Python installation .