Where is Talokar located?

Q: Where is Talokar located?

A: Talokar is located in the Haripur District of Hazara, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly North-West Frontier Province) in Pakistan.

Q: What are the geographical coordinates of Talokar?

A: Talokar is situated at Latitude 33.9852778 degrees; and Longitude 72.9419444 degrees.

Q: How far is Talokar from Haripur town?

A: Talokar is quite closely situated to Haripur town, approximately 2 km away.

Q: What is the local area headquarters near Talokar?

A: The local area headquarters near Talokar is Haripur town.

Q: Which province was Khyber Pakhtunkhwa formerly known as?

A: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was formerly known as North-West Frontier Province.

Q: What kind of place is Talokar?

A: The text does not give any information about the kind of place Talokar is.

Q: Is Talokar situated in Pakistan?

A: Yes, Talokar is situated in Pakistan.

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