What is a Takfiri?

Q: What is a Takfiri?

A: A Takfiri is a Muslim who claims that another Muslim has abandoned the religion and is therefore an apostate.

Q: Where does the word 'Takfiri' come from?

A: The word 'Takfiri' is derived from the Arabic word kafir, which refers to someone who does not follow Islam.

Q: What are the origins of the Takfiri ideology?

A: The Takfiri ideology partly derives from the hadiths, which relate to narrations from Prophet Muhammad's life and require Muslims to instruct others to follow what is good and refrain from evil.

Q: What do Takfiris believe about other Muslims?

A: Takfiris believe that other Muslims who do not share their strict interpretation of Islamic teachings or who defy their authority have abandoned the faith and become apostates.

Q: What is the impact of the Takfiri ideology on Muslim societies?

A: The Takfiri ideology has caused divisions and tensions within Muslim communities, with those who follow this ideology often being ostracized by other Muslims for their harsh and intolerant views.

Q: Are all Muslims Takfiris?

A: No, the vast majority of Muslims reject the Takfiri ideology and do not believe in declaring other Muslims as apostates.

Q: Is the Takfiri ideology widely accepted within the Muslim world?

A: No, the Takfiri ideology is a relatively small but influential minority view within the Muslim world, and it is rejected by most Muslims.

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