What are the coordinates for Sweetwater Wind Farm?

Q: What are the coordinates for Sweetwater Wind Farm?

A: The coordinates for Sweetwater Wind Farm are 32.3387804° N 100.4445648° W.

Q: Where is Sweetwater Wind Farm located?

A: Sweetwater Wind Farm is located in Texas.

Q: What is the ranking of Sweetwater Wind Farm in terms of size in Texas?

A: Sweetwater Wind Farm is the second largest wind farm in Texas.

Q: How many stages has the construction of Sweetwater Wind Farm proceeded in?

A: The construction of Sweetwater Wind Farm has proceeded in five stages.

Q: Is all the generating capacity of Sweetwater Wind Farm built?

A: No, some generating capacity is still being built at Sweetwater Wind Farm.

Q: What is the total MW capacity of Sweetwater Wind Farm?

A: The total MW capacity of Sweetwater Wind Farm is 585 MW.

Q: Has the construction of Sweetwater Wind Farm been completed?

A: The text does not explicitly state whether the construction of Sweetwater Wind Farm has been completed or not.

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