Where is Sunset Boulevard located?

Q: Where is Sunset Boulevard located?

A: Sunset Boulevard is located in west Los Angeles.

Q: How long is Sunset Boulevard?

A: Sunset Boulevard stretches for 24 miles (39 km).

Q: What is the starting point of Sunset Boulevard?

A: Figueroa Street in downtown Los Angeles is the starting point of Sunset Boulevard.

Q: Where does Sunset Boulevard end?

A: Sunset Boulevard ends at the Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades, which leads to the Pacific Ocean.

Q: Does Sunset Boulevard pass through Hollywood?

A: Yes, part of Sunset Boulevard called Sunset Strip passes through Hollywood.

Q: What is Sunset Strip?

A: Sunset Strip is a part of Sunset Boulevard that passes through Hollywood.

Q: Is Sunset Boulevard near the Pacific Ocean?

A: Yes, Sunset Boulevard ends at the Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades, which leads to the Pacific Ocean.

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