What is Sunrise?

Q: What is Sunrise?

A: Sunrise is a Japanese animation company.

Q: Which name does the staff of Sunrise use in all their productions by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer?

A: The staff of Sunrise use the name Hajime Yatate in all their productions by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

Q: Is Hajime Yatate a real person?

A: No, Hajime Yatate is not a real person. It is a name that all the people who work for the studio use for themselves.

Q: What type of company is Sunrise?

A: Sunrise is an animation company.

Q: Which cartoons were made by Sunrise?

A: Sunrise has made several cartoons.

Q: What is the significance of Hajime Yatate?

A: Hajime Yatate is not a real person, but a name used collectively by the staff of Sunrise in all their productions.

Q: Where is Sunrise located?

A: The location of Sunrise is not specified in the given text.

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