
The term suggestion was introduced in the 17th/18th century and refers to the manipulative influencing of an idea or sensation with the result that the manipulation is not perceived or at least temporarily not retrievable by the conscious mind. Etymologically, it can be traced back to the Latin noun suggestio, -onis, meaning to add to, to induce, or to whisper into, or to the Latin verb suggerĕre (to feed, to subdue).

Psychology understands suggestion - the term was first used by James Braid - as a form of influencing feeling, thinking and acting. However, delimitations or differences to neighbouring areas are hardly ever discussed. A distinction is made between autosuggestion and heterosuggestion, i.e. influencing by oneself or by others. In the subject area of hypnosis, suggestions represent directly acting inspirations by the hypnotizer. Posthypnotic suggestions, on the other hand, only take effect after hypnosis, usually in response to a predetermined cue (e.g. a word or a gesture).

In any case, a distinction must be made between suggestion as an act or result, suggestibility as the willingness of the person to be suggested to, and suggestibility as the potential to place a suggestion. In this understanding of suggestibility, suggestibility can then also be understood as auto-suggestibility - admittedly on the basis of an external stimulus.

The terms "suggestion" and especially "suggestibility" are often also used as synonyms for influencing the will, exercising power, credulity, influenceability and weakness of will.

Suggestive therapy: Even before the development of psychoanalysis, Josef Breuer used suggestions to cure hysteria. In this technique, the symptoms are combated by applying a suggestion, whereby the effect fades over time and the treatment must be renewed. Suggestion techniques have also been used to treat vegetative disorders and so-called war neuroses.

Other everyday effects for which suggestion can serve as an explanatory approach:

  • Placebo effect
  • self-fulfilling prophecy
  • Advertising

Corresponding to the meaning of suggestion, the term suggestion is also used for the so-called suggestive question. The aim of the questioner is to influence the content of the answer directly in the interviewee. (Example: You were at the scene of the crime, weren't you? - which is more likely to elicit the answer yes from the interviewee). This influence can already happen through facial expressions and gestures, but also through verbal expression. For example, there is an old trick among waiters, according to which the guest can be influenced by a slight nod or shake of the head when asked whether he should be given a refill.

Suggestions create unstable states in the psyche, which normally return to the initial state after a certain latency period.

See also

  • autogenic training
  • Questioning technique
  • Persuasive communication
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