What type of food does Subway mainly sell?

Q: What type of food does Subway mainly sell?

A: Subway mainly sells submarine sandwiches, but also sells pizzas and salads.

Q: How did Subway get its name?

A: Subway got its name from the New York City Subway, a public transport system in New York City.

Q: When was the first Subway restaurant opened outside of North America?

A: The first Subway restaurant outside of North America was opened in Bahrain, in December 1984.

Q: How many Subway locations are there in the world?

A: There are more than 44,000 Subway locations in 112 countries across the world, making it the world's largest fast food restaurant chain by number of stores.

Q: Does McDonald's earn more revenue than Subway?

A: Yes, McDonald's earns more revenue than Subway, even though Subway has more stores.

Q: Has Subway consistently ranked on Entrepreneur Magazines' top 500 franchise list?

A: Yes, since 2007, Subway has consistently ranked in Entrepreneur Magazines' top 500 franchise list.

Q: In March 2011, what was Subway named by Amplicate.com?

A: In March 2011, Subway was named "the most loved fast food chain in the US" by Amplicate.com.

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