What is a subclass?
Q: What is a subclass?
A: A subclass is a term used in object-oriented programming.
Q: What does the term subclass mean in object-oriented programming?
A: In object-oriented programming, a subclass is a class that inherits properties and methods from a parent class.
Q: How does a subclass inherit properties and methods from a parent class?
A: Inheritance is a mechanism that allows a subclass to access and use the properties and methods of its parent class.
Q: What are some advantages of using subclasses in object-oriented programming?
A: Using subclasses can improve code organization, reduce code duplication, and make it easier to add new functionality to a program.
Q: Is the term subclass exclusive to object-oriented programming?
A: Yes, subclass is a term that is specific to object-oriented programming.
Q: Can a subclass have its own properties and methods?
A: Yes, a subclass can have its own properties and methods in addition to those inherited from its parent class.
Q: What is the opposite of a subclass?
A: The opposite of a subclass is a superclass or parent class, which is the class that a subclass inherits from.