When was Stull created?

Q: When was Stull created?

A: Stull was created in 1857.

Q: Where is Stull located?

A: Stull is an unincorporated community in Douglas County, Kansas, United States.

Q: How far is Stull from Lawrence?

A: Stull is about 7 miles west of Lawrence.

Q: How far is Stull from Topeka?

A: Stull is about 10 miles east of Topeka.

Q: Is Stull a city or a town?

A: Stull is an unincorporated community, meaning it is not technically a city or a town.

Q: What is the population of Stull?

A: There is no data on the population of Stull as it is an unincorporated community.

Q: When was the last time Stull was included in a census count?

A: There is no information on the last time Stull was included in a census count as it is an unincorporated community.

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