What was Struthiomimus?

Q: What was Struthiomimus?

A: Struthiomimus was a long-legged dinosaur that resembled an ostrich.

Q: What family did Struthiomimus belong to?

A: Struthiomimus belonged to the ornithomimid family.

Q: Where did Struthiomimus live?

A: Struthiomimus lived in what is now Alberta, Canada.

Q: When did Struthiomimus live?

A: Struthiomimus lived during the Upper Cretaceous period, about 75 to 65 million years ago.

Q: What was the size of Struthiomimus?

A: The size of Struthiomimus is not mentioned in the text.

Q: What is special about the legs of Struthiomimus?

A: Struthiomimus had long legs, which were similar to those of an ostrich.

Q: What happened to Struthiomimus?

A: The text does not mention what happened to Struthiomimus, but since it is a dinosaur, it most likely went extinct.

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