Who portrays Strong Bad?
Q: Who portrays Strong Bad?
A: Strong Bad is portrayed by Matt Chapman, the principal voice actor and co-founder of the Homestar Runner series.
Q: What segment does Strong Bad appear in?
A: Strong Bad appears in a segment called "Strong Bad Email", where he answers emails sent to him by fans.
Q: How has Strong Bad's popularity been received?
A: Strong Bad has been well received and is one of the most popular characters of the series. In an article by National Review Online, he was described as both a non-stop braggart and liar, but also one of the coolest characters on the Internet.
Q: What merchandise has spun off from Strong Bad?
A: Merchandise that has spun off from Strong Bad includes t-shirts and sweatshirts sold by the website.
Q: What influences does his character have?
A: His character seems to be influenced by American popular culture trends from the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s such as heavy metal music and video games/game consoles.
Q: What spinoff segments have come out of "Strong Bad Email"?
A: Segments that have spun off from "Strong bad Email" include "Teen Girl Squad", a comic drawn by Strong bad about four teenage friends.