What is a stockman in Australia?
Q: What is a stockman in Australia?
A: A stockman is a person who takes care of livestock on large farms known as a station.
Q: What are some other places where a stockman may be employed in Australia?
A: A stockman can also work at abattoirs, feedlots, on live export ships or with stock and station agencies.
Q: What is the job title given to men who are learning to become station managers?
A: Men learning to become station managers are known as "jackaroos".
Q: What is the job title given to women who are learning to become station managers?
A: Women learning to become station managers are known as "jillaroos".
Q: Are women employed as stockmen on farms in Australia?
A: Yes, girls are often employed as stockmen on farms in Australia.
Q: Have stations in Australia made any accommodations for women to work on them?
A: Yes, some stations have built female living quarters and put in machinery to make it easier for women to work on them.
Q: What is the job of a drover in Australia?
A: The job of a drover is to look after livestock while they are travelling on a stock route.