What is the model name of the largest concert grand from Steinway & Sons?

Q: What is the model name of the largest concert grand from Steinway & Sons?

A: The model name of the largest concert grand from Steinway & Sons is D-274 (or D).

Q: When was the current version of D-274 first built?

A: The current version of D-274 was first built in 1884.

Q: What is the estimate of the company author regarding the popularity of Steinway D-274 among concert grands worldwide?

A: The company author estimated that more than 90% of the concert grand worldwide are Steinway D-274.

Q: Who usually prefers to use Steinway D-274?

A: Most concert pianists usually prefer to use Steinway D-274.

Q: What dominates both concert halls and recordings?

A: Steinway D-274 dominates both concert halls and recordings.

Q: How large is the concert grand of the D category according to the given text?

A: The concert grand of the D category has the dimensions of 274 cm length and 157 cm width, and it weighs 500 kg as of 2020.

Q: Is the concert grand of the D category suitable for most private environments?

A: No, the concert grand of the D category is too large for most private environments.

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