Where is the State of Palestine located?

Q: Where is the State of Palestine located?

A: The State of Palestine is located in the Middle East.

Q: What is the official capital of the State of Palestine?

A: The State of Palestine claims East Jerusalem as its capital.

Q: How many United Nations members recognize the State of Palestine?

A: The State of Palestine is recognized by 141 United Nations members.

Q: What is the status of the State of Palestine in the United Nations?

A: Since 2012, the State of Palestine has non-member observer status in the United Nations.

Q: What does the non-member observer status of the State of Palestine in the United Nations amount to?

A: The non-member observer status of the State of Palestine in the United Nations amounts to a de facto, or implicit, recognition of statehood.

Q: What territories does the State of Palestine claim as its own?

A: The State of Palestine claims the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as its territory.

Q: When was the independence of the State of Palestine declared?

A: The independence of the State of Palestine was declared on 15 November 1988.

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