How big can the basking shark grow?

Q: How big can the basking shark grow?

A: The basking shark can grow up to 40 feet (12 metres) in length.

Q: What is the basking shark known for?

A: The basking shark is known for being a huge filter-feeding shark.

Q: What is the basking shark's scientific name?

A: The basking shark's scientific name is Cetorhinus maximus.

Q: How does the basking shark feed?

A: The basking shark is a filter feeder and feeds by swimming with its mouth open to capture plankton.

Q: What is the basking shark compared to in terms of size?

A: The basking shark is the second largest shark in the world, after the whale shark.

Q: What are some other names for the basking shark?

A: The basking shark is also called the sunfish, the bone shark, the elephant shark, the sailfish shark, and the big mouth shark.

Q: Is the basking shark dangerous to humans?

A: The basking shark is not considered dangerous to humans as it feeds on plankton and poses no threat to humans. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3