What is speech?
Q: What is speech?
A: Speech is the use of spoken language to communicate.
Q: Which creatures have speech?
A: Only humans have language and therefore, speech.
Q: How do animals communicate with each other?
A: Although animals do not have speech, they can communicate with each other using various sounds and gestures.
Q: How is speech produced?
A: Speech is produced by the vibration of sounds through the vocal folds, with shaping by the jaw, tongue, teeth, palate, lips, and nose.
Q: What are the stages in the process of making speech?
A: There are four stages in the process of making speech: choosing speech sounds, putting them into a sequence, producing sound in the voice box, and using the lips, tongue, teeth, nose, and palate to shape the sounds.
Q: What can happen if there are difficulties in the process of making speech?
A: Difficulties can happen at any of the four stages of the process of making speech. A speech and language therapist can help identify the stage that has difficulties and provide therapy.
Q: What are the elements of effective speech?
A: The elements of effective speech include fluency, flexibility, accuracy, and comprehensibility.