What are the coordinates of the South Pole?

Q: What are the coordinates of the South Pole?

A: The coordinates of the South Pole are 90°S 0°E / 90°S 0°E / -90; 0.

Q: Where is the South Pole located?

A: The South Pole is located in Antarctica.

Q: What does the South Pole represent?

A: The South Pole is the most southern point on Earth and is the center of the Southern Hemisphere.

Q: From the South Pole, where is everywhere else?

A: From the South Pole, everywhere is North.

Q: How can people determine if they are at the geographic North or South poles?

A: People can determine if they are at the geographic North or South poles by looking at the stars. At the poles, a star just circles around at the same height, never dipping to the horizon.

Q: What is the south magnetic pole?

A: The south magnetic pole is the point defined by the Earth's magnetic field as the location where a magnetic compass needle points.

Q: How can people tell if they are near the south magnetic pole?

A: People can tell if they are near the south magnetic pole by looking at a magnetic compass.

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