What does the word "base" mean as a noun?
Q: What does the word "base" mean as a noun?
A: As a noun, base can refer to the number of digits in a numeral system (e.g. base 10), the bottom of a triangle in geometry, the 3 canvas bags and home plate in baseball, or the bottom of a building or other structure in architecture. It can also refer to a part of some types of column below the shaft, a pedestal supporting a statue or other item, or an area that contains shelter, equipment and resources such as military bases.
Q: What is base used for as a verb?
A: As a verb, base is used to describe something that has been made from ideas or developed from something else and was first known as something else. For example, BASE jumping is jumping with a parachute from fixed places like buildings or bridges.
Q: In what context is Al-Qaeda referred to as "The Base"?
A: Al-Qaeda is literally translated into English as 'The Base.' This refers to its role as an Islamic Extremist group which seeks to establish an Islamic caliphate across parts of Asia and Africa through violent means.
Q: What does base refer to in chemistry?
A: In chemistry, base refers to substances that are opposite acids on the pH scale and are sometimes known as alkalis.
Q: How many canvas bags are there in baseball's definition of "base"?
A: In baseball's definition of "base," there are three canvas bags and home plate.