What is Sol Invictus?

Q: What is Sol Invictus?

A: Sol Invictus is a religious title that was applied to at least three distinct deities during the later Roman Empire.

Q: Which three deities were given the title of Sol Invictus?

A: The three deities were El Gabal, Mithras, and Sol.

Q: What was the earlier cult of Sol Indiges?

A: The earlier cult of Sol Indiges was agrarian.

Q: How was the title Deus Sol Invictus formed?

A: The title Deus Sol Invictus was formed similarly to the imperial titulature pius felix invictus, meaning "dutiful, fortunate, unconquered.”

Q: What festival did the Romans hold on December 25?

A: The festival that the Romans held on December 25 was called Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, which means "the birthday of the unconquered sun."

Q: Which solar deities were worshiped together because of the use of the title Sol Invictus?

A: Several solar deities, including Elah-Gabal, Sol, and Mithras, were worshiped together because of the use of the title Sol Invictus.

Q: Who introduced the festival of Sol Invictus, and who promoted it as an empire-wide holiday?

A: Emperor Elagabalus introduced the festival, and Aurelian promoted it as an empire-wide holiday that was a possible inspiration of Christmas.

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