What is software engineering?

Q: What is software engineering?

A: Software engineering is a field of engineering that involves designing and writing programs for computers or other electronic devices.

Q: What does a software engineer do?

A: A software engineer writes software and compiles it to make instructions that the computer can follow.

Q: What makes good quality software?

A: Good quality software is easier to fix and add new features. Good documentation and good design are parts of good software.

Q: What is required to become a software engineer?

A: Becoming a software engineer requires experience and practice writing code.

Q: What does the software release life cycle include?

A: The software release life cycle includes getting the requirements, planning, writing, documenting, and testing the software before it is released.

Q: Who are the end users of released software?

A: The end users are the people who use the released software.

Q: What makes good software user friendly?

A: Good software should be user friendly, which means it is easy to use.

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