What is the Slovak language?

Q: What is the Slovak language?

A: The Slovak language is a Slavic language spoken in Slovakia, a country in Central Europe.

Q: Which language family does Slovak belong to?

A: Slovak belongs to the Slavic language family.

Q: How similar is Slovak to Czech?

A: Slovak is very similar to Czech, and Czechs and Slovaks understand each other quite well when they speak their own language.

Q: What other languages are quite similar to Slovak?

A: Polish and Sorbian are also quite similar to Slovak.

Q: Which branch of Slavic languages does Slovak belong to?

A: Slovak belongs to the western branch of Slavic languages.

Q: How many people speak Slovak?

A: More than 5 million people speak Slovak.

Q: Where is Slovakia located?

A: Slovakia is located in Central Europe.

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