Where is Slite located?

Q: Where is Slite located?

A: Slite is located in Gotland Municipality, Gotland County, Sweden.

Q: How many people lived in Slite in 2010?

A: In 2010, 1,483 people lived in Slite.

Q: What was Slite used for in the past?

A: In the past, Slite was an important place for trade and business.

Q: What is the main source of income in Slite nowadays?

A: The main source of income in Slite nowadays is tourism.

Q: What type of industry is present in Slite?

A: There is an industry in Slite that produces concrete from raw material of limestone from nearby quarries.

Q: What resources are used by the concrete industry in Slite?

A: The concrete industry in Slite uses raw materials of limestone from nearby quarries.

Q: What type of material is produced by the industry in Slite?

A: The industry in Slite produces concrete from raw material of limestone from nearby quarries.

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