What is Sinovenator?

Q: What is Sinovenator?

A: Sinovenator is a small troodontid dinosaur about the size of a chicken.

Q: When did Sinovenator live?

A: Sinovenator lived 128.2 million years ago in the early Cretaceous period.

Q: Where were the fossils of Sinovenator found?

A: The fossils of Sinovenator were found in the older (lower) portion of the Yixian Formation in China.

Q: What is the Jehol biota?

A: The Jehol biota is a collection of fossils found in northeastern China that includes many well-preserved dinosaurs and birds from the early Cretaceous period.

Q: What is the type specimen of Sinovenator?

A: The type specimen of Sinovenator is a partial skull and disarticulated skeleton.

Q: Where are the fossils of Sinovenator currently located?

A: The fossils of Sinovenator are in the collection of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing, China.

Q: What is the relationship between Sinovenator, dromaeosaurids, and Avialae?

A: Sinovenator shares features with the most primitive dromaeosaurids and Avialae, which shows the common descent of these three members of the Paraves.

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