What is similarity?

Q: What is similarity?

A: Similarity is an idea in geometry that means two polygons, line segments, or other figures can become the same via resizing.

Q: How do you know if two shapes are similar?

A: Two shapes are similar if their angles have the same measure and their sides are proportional.

Q: Are all polygons similar to each other?

A: No, not all polygons are similar to each other. All other polygons must meet both of the conditions of having the same angles and sides being proportional in order for them to be considered similar.

Q: How does similarity compare to congruence?

A: Congruent shapes have the same sides and angles, so two shapes are congruent to each other if one can become another through rotating, reflecting or moving only. All shapes that are congruent to each other are also similar, but not vice versa.

Q: Are circles always similar?

A: Yes, circles, squares, or line segments are always considered to be similar.

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