What is the silky pocket mouse?

Q: What is the silky pocket mouse?

A: The silky pocket mouse is a type of rodent belonging to the Heteromyidae family.

Q: What is the family of the silky pocket mouse?

A: The silky pocket mouse belongs to the Heteromyidae family.

Q: How is the silky pocket mouse related to pocket gophers and true mice?

A: The silky pocket mouse is more closely related to pocket gophers than to true mice.

Q: Which family does the silky pocket mouse belong to?

A: The silky pocket mouse belongs to the Heteromyidae family.

Q: What is the scientific name of the silky pocket mouse?

A: The scientific name of the silky pocket mouse is Perognathus flavus.

Q: Is the silky pocket mouse found only in certain regions?

A: It is not specified in the text whether the silky pocket mouse is found in certain regions or not.

Q: What distinguishes the silky pocket mouse from other rodents?

A: The text does not specify any distinguishing characteristics of the silky pocket mouse from other rodents.

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