What are the coordinates of Silistra Province?

Q: What are the coordinates of Silistra Province?

A: The coordinates of Silistra Province are 43°55′N 27°10′E / 43.917°N 27.167°E / 43.917; 27.167.

Q: What is Silistra Province?

A: Silistra Province is a province of Bulgaria.

Q: What is the capital city of Silistra Province?

A: The capital city of Silistra Province is Silistra.

Q: What are the names of the other municipalities in Silistra Province?

A: The other municipalities in Silistra Province are Alfatar, Dulovo, Glavinitsa, Kaynardzha, Sitovo, and Tutrakan.

Q: What is the significance of the coordinates mentioned in the text?

A: The coordinates mentioned in the text represent the geographical location of Silistra Province.

Q: Is Silistra Province in Bulgaria or another country?

A: Silistra Province is in Bulgaria.

Q: What is the population of Silistra Province?

A: The text does not provide information about the population of Silistra Province.

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