Where is Siligo located?

Q: Where is Siligo located?

A: Siligo is located in the region of Logudoro in northern Sardinia, Italy.

Q: What are the neighboring municipalities of Siligo?

A: The neighboring municipalities of Siligo are Ardara, Banari, Bessude, Bonnanaro, Codrongianos, Florinas, Mores, Ploaghe.

Q: What region is Siligo a part of?

A: Siligo is a part of the Logudoro region of northern Sardinia, Italy.

Q: Is Siligo located in southern or northern Italy?

A: Siligo is located in northern Italy.

Q: What can you say about the location of Siligo based on the text?

A: Based on the text, Siligo is located in a region with several neighboring municipalities.

Q: What other information besides location is provided about Siligo in the text?

A: No other information besides location is provided about Siligo in the text.

Q: What kind of place is Siligo?

A: The text does not provide information about the kind of place Siligo is.

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