What are silent letters?

Q: What are silent letters?

A: Silent letters are letters written in words that do not correspond to the pronunciation of a given sound and do not even allow people to hear any sound in the word.

Q: Where did many of these silent letters come from?

A: Many of these silent letters come from Old English, when the sound had been heard years ago in the past.

Q: What is an example of a silent letter in English?

A: In English, examples of silent letters include the k in know and knee, the second b in bomb and numb, the s in island, and the e in lame and lime.

Q: Is there a silent g as well?

A: Yes, there is also a silent g in sign which is from Middle English.

Q: Are there other languages with similar spelling systems?

A: Yes, there are other languages with similar spelling systems such as French, Thai, and Mongolian.

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